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'Video consulting with your NHS' co-design workshops

January 2020 

We are working with Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences and Barts Health NHS Trust to create a video animation and guidance leaflets aimed at helping secondary care patients and carers use online video conferencing to receive medical advice from their hospital.

We recruited participants to attend co-design workshops, enabling us to connect with patients and the public and involve them in our design process. 

We invited local residents from the London borough of Camden to a two hour session at Kentish Town Community Centre – selected as a neutral space to avoid 'white coat syndrome' –  to explore what they think and how they feel about video conferencing.

We recruited participants through local community networks and social media via printed posters and flyers we designed.

We used responses from an online questionnaire to help us select a diverse range of backgrounds, ethnicities, abilities and ages.

For the second workshop we prepared a slideshow presentation and series of worksheets for 30 participants we selected in Workshop to engage with and respond to. 

We recorded feedback from Workshop 1, identifying the different demographic groups and organising the results. We converted these results into a design proposal to present at Workshop 2. 

In Workshop 2 we shared a storyboard along with our choice of design options, asking a mostly new group of participants for their feedback to inform subsequent development of the final resources.

We are currently working on design development of the video and other guidance support materials. Results will be presented in spring 2020. 
