Physio by video

We’ve developed two guides to help patients and clinicians get the most from online physiotherapy sessions.

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These guides were developed as a collaboration between the University of Oxford, University College London Hospitals, the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and Design Science, and with support from NHS England and NHS Improvement. The project was funded through the National Institute for Health and Care Research through its Policy Research Programme.

What we did

We co-designed two handy downloadable PDF guides with clinicians and patients with lived experience of physiotherapy, available to anyone who’s thinking about using video consulting as part of their NHS consultation.

Clinician and patient versions

How we did it

To make sure that they were developed with patient and clinicians voices, we produced a call to action to attract a range of people and facilitated workshops that allowed everyone to share their own experience and comment on a series of illustrated steps in a typical physiotherapy journey.

We used their feedback to refine the guides and worked with our illustrator, Ellis Nadler, to bring key activities to life through inclusive and playful imagery that everyone can understand.

We then worked with Dr Lucas Seuren and Dr Sara Shaw at the University of Oxford to ensure that the final designs met different stakeholder requirements.

Above: Clinician versions

Above: Patient version

The guides will join other resources on Nuffield’s website and will also be used by NHS England to support their wider transformation and improvement work.

The guides focus on physiotherapy but might also be useful for other clinical settings. Please feel free to reproduce the resource. You can make small adaptations like adding your organisation logo. All we ask is that you don’t change visuals or wording, and that you keep credits on any of the resources you use.

Download the patient guide

Download the clinician guide

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