Reducing hospital infections at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust

We are pleased to be working with Dr Jon Otter, Director of Infection Prevention and Control, and his colleagues at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust to help staff co-design solutions to reduce hospital infections that are transmitted through urinary catheters and vascular lines.

E. coli bacteria, for example, accounts for 65% of infections in hospitals, causes more than 5,000 deaths in NHS patients per year and costs the NHS more than £2 billion per annum. 

Escherichia Coli (E. Coli.) bacteria cells under a microscope

Through co-design activities, we’ll create a range of communication material that aim to reduce ‘Gram-negative bloodstream infections’ by informing and engaging ward teams, and promoting best practice in urinary catheter and vascular line care.

We’ll be piloting the intervention on wards across the trust before rolling out the campaign more widely.